“30 minutes has similar result like relaxing in forest for 5 hours and full body massage for 2 hours”

ULTRA Negative Potential Function helps to prevent arteriosclerosis, activate human body’s enzyme function, improve acidic body condition (from acidic body condition to low alkaline body condition, pH = 7.36 – 7.44) and remove free radicals in body. Applying 30 minutes for ULTRA Negative Potential Function has similar result as relaxing in forest for 5 hours and full body massage for 2 hours.

ULTRA Negative Potential Function, can 100% penetrating every cell in human body, make your body cell recharged, activate and repair membrane cell, balancing body cell and body cells become more active.

The benefits of applying ULTRA Negative Potential Function:

  • Replenish ion negative in human body, increase bio electric function in human body.
  • Activate and repair membrane cell.
  • Activate all kinds of enzymes, increase cell function of anti-oxidation.
  • Activate cell in gastrointestinal, kidney and liver, improve body detoxification function.
  • Balance hormone regulation function, it helps to prevent aging process.
  • Suitable for couples who want to be more energetic and charm full


Normal negative potential function can only activate the cell membrane surface to enhance cell membrane function that accelerates oxygen, water and 90 kinds of ions; to release carbon dioxide and toxin. However, the Ultra Negative Potential Function is able to penetrate human cells by 75% or 100%.

When you select -75% or -100% Ultra Negative Potential, membrane cell potential can achieve between -70mV to -90mV quickly, therefore, membrane cell can be activated faster, the transportation of membrane cell become smoother and it will promote cell metabolism. Damaged cell will be repaired faster; therefore cell metabolism will be increased and faster. If you apply this function for long term, the result of Ultra Negative Potential Function can exceed normal negative potential function more than 3 times or above.

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Nam semper lacus eu enim sagittis vitae malesuada libero molestie. Nunc orci risus, iaculis at aliquet vitae, hendrerit at est. Proin quis sapien nec eros tempor sodales. Curabitur et lacus sed orci rhoncus luctus. Mauris gravida eleifend est vel sodales. Vestibulum mattis pulvinar mi, faucibus rutrum dui ultrices non. Vestibulum sollicitudin lacus non nisl dignissim facilisis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque facilisis semper congue.

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