“Apply 30 minutes for IF / Optical Function has similar result as deep sleep for 2 hours”

Ultra Micro Potential Sleep Mode function can continuous use for 6 hours, can make your body fully rest. Apply it for long term, can helps to reduce blood stickiness, accelerate blood sugar decomposition, and regulate function of system endocrine, at the same time, it can improve your sleeping quality, balance your hormone, increase cell metabolism, make your stamina double.

The benefit of applying Ultra Micro Potential Sleep Mode function:

  • Eliminate fatigue, improve physical strength and energy.
  • Improve sleeping quality, reduce headache and dizziness.
  • Improve memory power, feel relax and happy.
  • Sleep better and more energetic.
  • Elderly can apply for long term to maintain full vitality.

The features of Ultra Micro Potential Sleep Mode function:

  • Children are suitable to use this function.
  • Can continuous use for 6 hours.
  • When applying, you would not feel the electric shock when touching anyone.
  • Can apply by straight away put on bed or any chair without applying under electrical insulator in situation.
  • When applying, can conduct other activity at the same time, include using mobile phone, working with computer, etc.

“Apply 30 minutes for IF / Optical Function has similar result as Sauna for 1 hour or SPA for 1 hour”

Multi Purpose Magnetic Heat Energy function can be applied on shoulder, back, abdomen, buttock, thigh and foot. Apply it for long term, it can achieve physical effects.

  • Buttock: Suitable for: People who has abdominal pain during menstruation, people who has unsmooth menstruation.
  • Waist: Suitable for: People who are lack of energy “chi”, people who has lower back pain, people who are lack of stamina.
  • Thigh: Suitable for: People who have a weak reproductive system, people who have thigh obesity.
  • Abdomen: Suitable for: People who has digestion problem, people who has fatty belly, people who has constipation, people who are obesity.
  • Shoulder and back: Suitable for: People who has shoulder and back pain, people who has trapped wind in shoulder and back, people who are always work late into the night.
  • Foot: Suitable for: People who has cold feet, people who has foot fatigue.

The benefits of applying Multi Purpose Magnetic Heat Energy function:

  • Can promote blood circulation.
  • Overcome cold hands or cold body symptoms.
  • Eliminate stomach and abdominal bloating problem.
  • Improves women’s menstruation pain problem.
  • Improve shoulder and back fatigue problem.
  • Enhance the immune system’s ability.

“Apply 30 minutes for IF / Optical Function has similar result like doing exercises at outdoor for 3 hours”

Optical therapy function helps to repair body cell, increase metabolism of body cell and immune system will improve.
Applying Optical Therapy Function for 30 minutes has similar result like doing exercises at outdoor for 3 hours.

The benefits of applying Optical Therapy Function:

  • Body becomes warm and increase body temperature by 1 to 2 ˚C (degree Celsius).
  • Stimulate blood circulation.
  • Improve immune system.
  • Burn fat.
  • Skin becomes smooth and beautiful.

Suitable for people:

Career women, housewives, students, working in air-conditioned offices, the elderly, people with sensitive skin and acne, the aging of people, obesity, lack of exercise, mothers that just delivered baby, who has acne, obesity people and women who want to stay beautiful with new and healthy lifestyle.